Saturday, October 31, 2009

Culture lessons

1. I saw my first gypsy yesterday!! Well, actually, I have seen a lot of gypsies, but this is the first interaction. A little gypsy boy approached us begging for money and food. The funny thing is he was what is referred to as husky. He looks like he has never skipped a meal in his life or he has a thyroid problem. The gypsies here are considered very low class. The Romanians have accused them as being dirty, and say they steal and lie. Most gypsies, it is implied, rarely hold “real” jobs. I really have no real understanding of gypsies. The ones I have encountered are dirty and do not look mal-nourished. I have learned one thing, the term, “I’ve been gypped,” comes from being screwed in a transaction with a gypsy. DUH. I really never made that connection. One thing for sure, this incounter urged me the google gypsies. The info is conflicting...I have not finished forming an opinion. I need more info.

2. The “Luminitie” starts today. We are going to clean up the graves of Joe's Anyja (mother) and Nagymama (grandmother) today. We will place flowers today and tomorrow we will place and light the candles. This is something everyone in Romania does. A celebration and remembrance for the dead. Pretty special. Pictures to follow in a few days.

3. Lastly… Happy Anniversary to Mom and Raymond. They have been married for 25 years!!

1 comment:

  1. Christi,
    I read this book several years ago about the Gypsies in Eastern Europe:
    Bury me standing by Isabel Fonesca. It was really interesting.
