Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tomorrow, Tomorrow!

We are Romania bound tomorrow. Today were are tired and excited. We said a lot of goodbyes. Declan's Kinder teacher cried. It has been hard to leave family and friends, but a new life awaits. Joe is also waiting and we are impatient to see him.

Monday, September 21, 2009

T minus 10

10 days away from seeing my husband. Declan and I haven't seen Joe in just under a year. Declan is very excited as am I. My head is starting to spin now that I am trying to get organized. I need to figure out how to pack with the new baggage guidelines. What am I supposed to do with Declan's booster seat?

I still have several bills that need to be paid off. I need to set up payment plans for my student loans and life insurance. I have to turn in my Jeep (very sad, I Loooovvvveee my Jeep).

Obviously I need some sort of cattle prod that circuits creative juices thru my body. Or I need to learn to juggle.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Ah Oh...

I had my first dream about life in Romania. It wasn't a good dream. It was scattered and disorganized and left me feeling dread (for lack of a better word). I will excuse it because I am still recovering from strep throat and still waking up in cold sweats. How can I have good dreams if I am about drown in my own perspiration? ...right?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Destination Truth

Ok, so while I was sick and holed up in bed I was browsing Hulu.com. Imagine my surprise when I see a show called "Destination Truth" with info about Romania. I am constantly on the look out for any info on my soon to be new home, so I tuned in. Holy macaroni! It is a ghost story! Anyone who knows me well knows that I love scary movies, books, and just about anything to make my toes curl in fright. Call me crazy. However, I can't help but wonder if this is a sign. The setting is Hoia Baciu forest and the show provides some interesting phenomena. The kicker...I will be living rather close to this forest. Maybe I will need to investigate. I'll definitely have to revisit this topic in later blogs.