Saturday, November 14, 2009

Chicken Butt

I have officially had my exclusive Romanian moment. I have baked chicken before, I have carved chicken before, and I have cut up, filleted, chopped or whatever you want to call it, before. As I am preparing the chicken to bake as I usually do, image my surprise when I pull out the head and feet out of the cavity instead of the innards. You know what, I am done with this post. Write y'all later.

Seriously, what the HELL am I going the do with the head and feet.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Not a Girl Scout, never was.

I am a bad tourist, a very bad tourist. I know I promised pictures of the Luminatie at the cemetary. My camera died. Low battery. I know, I know, I've berated myself enough, so all you blog followers can just save it. I did have a back up though. I just have to go to the cell phone place here so I can get a usb connector that will fit Joe's camera phone. Soon I will have the pictures posted. I'll save the description for later. I will tell you it was beautiful. Later.