Tuesday, August 25, 2009

One word a day

So, I thought, maybe I should create ways to learn one new Romanian word a day. Sounds good in theory, but I'm lazy. See, I also promised myself that I would start an exercise routine, too...not. Ok, so I am about three weeks behind on both learning Romanian and trying to lose arm flab. What have I accomplished? Well, I bought the tickets and I got our passports. And that's where it stops.

So here's where I can start:

please = Vă rog (formal) Te rog (informal)
hello = salut

That should be easy. Now just to get Declan on board.

Adio for now!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Yoo Hoo, Aunt Fran!

Ok, so here it goes...

I am 51 days away from Europe. My husband Joe is currently in Gherla, Romania waiting with our 2 bedroom house (well, apartment really, but we do own it). I have no idea what it looks like, but it is furnished (yikes) and has a working toilet. I have only been out of the US once. About 10 years ago my sister Patty and I went to Ireland. At least we could understand the language. Now my 5 year old son Declan and I will be moving to Romania. Neither of us know the language, however, I feel I will be at more of a disadvantage than him. Everyone is telling me that Declan will pick up Romanian within months. Until I learn the basics, I'll be slowly getting more paranoid by the second. I just know everyone will be talking about me, and I will be dependant on Joe and Declan for communication. And they will be plotting against me, too. See, in our little family, I am the heavy and Joe is the cream. I am doomed. To make matters worse, Joe and I had an understanding. If he could developed pecks (yes, muscled man boobs), then I had to lose weight. He says he has pecks...I really can't tell from the web cam. I have lost 7 lbs, but I'm screwed because that was just extra weight I picked up after my gallbladder surgery. Sheesh!

BTW: this first post is dedicated to my Aunt Fran, without her there would be no blog.